Serving professionals in engineering, environmental,
and groundwater geology since 1957

Audell, H.S., 2013, The Residential Geotechnical Evaluation for Ownership Transfer: A Risk Assessment Guideline: Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists: Special Publication No. 25, Denver, CO, 165p. ISBN: 978-0-9897523-1-6

Audell, Harry S., 2006, Field Guide to Crack Patterns in Buildings: A Guide to Evaluating Building Cracks Caused by Geologic Hazards; Special Publication 16, Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists, Denver, CO., 75p.

Baldwin, J.E. and Sitar, N., 1991, Loma Prieta Earthquake: engineering geologic perspectives, AEG Special Publication No. 1, 170p $10.00

Briggs, R.P. and Parke, C.D., 1990, Guide to Field Trips in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia, AEG 33rd Annual Meeting, October 1-5 $15.00

Cann, L.R., Cobarrubias, Hollingsworth, B., 1992, Engineering Geology Field Trips Orange County, Santa Monica Mountains, and Malibu: AEG 35th Annual Meeting, Field Trip Guidebook, October 2-9, 1992 $10.00

Highway and Railroad Slope Maintenance: AEG, 34th annual meeting, September 29th – October 4th, 1991 $10.00

Leighton, F.B. Mitigation of geotechnical litigation in California: Munson Book Associates, Huntington Beach, California, 274p. $20.00

Sieh, K.E., and Matti, J.C., 1992, Earthquake geology, San Andreas fault system, Palm Springs to Palmdale: AEG, 35th Annual Meeting, Field Trip Guidebook, October 3-4, 1992 $10.00

Stout, M.L., ed., 1992, Proceedings of the 35th annual meeting, Association of Engineering Geologists, October 2-9, 1992: 740p. $5.00

Tepel, R, 1995, Professional Licensure for Geologists, an Exploration of Issues, Association of Engineering Geologists Special Publication No. 7, 1995

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