AEG Legislative Status Report, November 2003
AB 58 (2003-2004), Bates: ASM ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY AND TOXIC MATERIALS ( Version (amended
asm) 2003-03-25 )
Topic: State Water Pollution Cleanup and Abatement Account.
Last Action: In committee: Set, first hearing. Hearing canceled at the
request of author. (2003-04-08)
Note: This bill is a two year bill.
Digest Summary: Existing law, the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control
Act, authorizes a California regional water quality control board, if
the regional board determines that there is a threatened or continuing
violation of any cleanup or abatement order or certain other orders
relating to water quality, to impose a civil penalty, not to exceed
$10,000 for each day in which the violation occurs.
This bill would continuously appropriate 75% of those funds that are
collected by a regional board to that regional board to carry out the
act and 25% of those funds to the state board to carry out the act.
AB 66 (2003-2004), Leslie: ( Version (chaptered) 2003-10-09 )
Topic: Riparian habitat: Adopt-A-Riverway Program.
Last Action: Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter 675, Statutes
of 2003. (2003-10-09)
Note: Bill was signed into law.
Digest Summary: Under existing law, the Department of Transportation
controls state highways and associated properties, counties are responsible
for county highways, and cities are responsible for city streets.
This bill would authorize the Department of Food and Agriculture to
accept funds or services from any person, as defined, for maintenance
or enhancement of a section of a state riverway, as defined, for purposes
of operating a government-volunteer partnership Adopt-A-Riverway Program.
AB 83 (2003-2004), Corbett and Firebaugh: SEN ( Version (amended sen) 2003-08-27 )
Topic: Bottled water.
Last Action: Withdrawn from committee. Ordered placed on third reading
file. Read third time, passage refused. (Ayes 16. Noes 20. Page 2602.)
Motion to reconsider made by Senator Sher. Reconsideration granted.
(Page 2602.) (2003-09-13)
Note: This is a two year bill.
Digest Summary: Existing law, commonly referred to as the California
Safe Drinking Water Act, imposes various functions and duties on the
State Department of Health Services with respect to the administration
of the act, and requires public water systems to comply with recommended
public health levels for contaminants in drinking water established
by the department.
This bill would transfer the provisions relating to the licensure and
regulation of persons engaged in the above bottled water activities
from the Sherman Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Law to the California Safe
Drinking Water Act.
AB 148 (2003-2004), Dymally: ASM LOCAL GOVERNMENT ( Version (amended asm) 2003-05-14 )
Topic: Municipal water districts.
Last Action: (Corrected May 22. ) (2003-05-23)
Note: This bill is a two year bill.
Digest Summary: This bill would prohibit the Central Basin Municipal
Water District and the West Basin Municipal Water District from issuing
bonds, certificates of participation, financing leases, installment
sales or purchase agreements, or other evidence of indebtedness, without
the approval of a majority of the voters participating in a districtwide
AB 496 (2003-2004), Lowenthal: SEN ( Version (amended sen) 2003-09-12 )
Topic: Sales and use taxes: exemptions: bunker fuel.
Last Action: From committee chair, with author's amendments: Amend,
and re-refer to committee. Read second time, amended, and re-referred
to Com. on RLS. Withdrawn from committee. Ordered placed on third reading
file. (2003-09-13)
Note: This bill is a two year bill.
Digest Summary: This bill would additionally exempt, until 2014, the
gross receipts from the sale of fuel and petroleum products to a water
common carrier for immediate shipment outside this state for consumption
in the conduct of its business as a common carrier after the first out-of-state
destination, if specified conditions are met.
AB 515 (2003-2004), Matthews: ASM BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS ( Version (amended asm) 2003-04-21)
Topic: Public contracts: responsible bidder.
Last Action: Re-referred to Com. on B. & P. (2003-04-22)
Note: This bill is a two year bill.
Digest Summary: This bill would require a public entity awarding a contract
to consider safety and wage violations in evaluating responsible bidders.
AB 1107 (2003-2004), Liu: ASM APPROPRIATIONS ( Version (introduced) 2003-02-21 )
Topic: Groundwater: uniform data standards.
Last Action: In committee: Set, second hearing. Held under submission.
Note: This bill is a two year bill.
Digest Summary: Existing law requires the State Water Resources Control
Board to integrate existing monitoring programs and design new program
elements, as necessary, for the purpose of establishing a comprehensive
monitoring program capable of assessing each groundwater basin in the
state through direct and other statistically reliable sampling approaches,
and to create an interagency task force composed of representatives
of listed state agencies to identify actions necessary to establish
the monitoring program and to identify measures that would increase
coordination among state and federal agencies that collect groundwater
contamination information.
This bill would additionally require the interagency task force to develop
uniform groundwater data standards.
AB 1159 (2003-2004), Liu: ASM WATER, PARKS AND WILDLIFE ( Version (introduced) 2003-02-21)
Topic: Groundwater data.
Last Action: In committee: Set, first hearing. Hearing canceled at the
request of author. (2003-04-29)
Note: This bill is a two year bill.
Digest Summary: Existing law requires the State Water Resources Control
Board, on or before March 1, 2003, to submit a report to the Governor
and the Legislature that includes a detailed description of a comprehensive
groundwater quality monitoring program capable of assessing each groundwater
basin in the state through statistically reliable sampling approaches.
This bill would enact the Groundwater Data Standards Act of 2003.
AB 1195 (2003-2004)
, Cohn: SEN LOCAL GOVERNMENT ( Version (introduced) 2003-02-21 )
Topic: Subdivision Map Act: exemptions.
Last Action: In committee: Set, first hearing. Hearing canceled at the
request of author. (2003-06-11)
Note: The bill is a two year bill.
Digest Summary: Existing law makes the Subdivision Map Act inapplicable
to specified land uses or interests in land, including, among other
things, leases of agricultural land for agricultural purposes and requires
that a local agency, as defined, may not acquire real property for specified
purposes nor construct or authorize a public building or structure in
any county or city that has adopted an applicable general plan until
the location, purpose, and extent of the acquisition or disposition
of real property, or the proposed public building or structure has been
submitted to the local planning agency for review.
This bill would exempt a regional park and open space district from
these provisions.
AB 1212 (2003-2004)
, Pavley: ( Version (chaptered) 2003-09-04 )
Topic: Public resources: coastal development: permits: restrictions.
Last Action: Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter 285, Statutes
of 2003. (2003-09-04)
Note: This bill was signed into law.
Digest Summary: (1) Existing law requires a person wishing to perform
or undertake development in the coastal zone, as defined, to obtain
a coastal development permit, except as specified, in addition to obtaining
any other permit required by law from a local government or from a state,
regional, or local agency.
This bill would require that a coastal development permit for sand replenishment
require the project applicant to provide onsite monitoring and supervision
during the implementation of the permit.
AB 1218 (2003-2004)
, Dutra: ( Version (chaptered) 2003-10-09 )
Topic: Underground storage tanks: claims: performance-based contracts:
fire safety agency claims.
Last Action: Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter 689, Statutes
of 2003. (2003-10-09)
Note: This bill was signed into law.
Digest Summary: (1) Under the existing Barry Keene Underground Storage
Tank Cleanup Trust Fund Act of 1989, owners and operators of petroleum
underground storage tanks requires every owner of an underground storage
tank to pay a storage fee for each gallon of petroleum placed in the
This bill would authorize the board to pay a claim to reimburse the
cost of a performance-based contract that is approved by the board as
being consistent with the requirements of the bill.
AB 1247 (2003-2004)
, Aghazarian: ( Version (chaptered) 2003-09-04 )
Topic: Hazardous waste facility: postclosure.
Last Action: Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter 286, Statutes
of 2003. (2003-09-04)
Note: This bill was signed into law.
Digest Summary: (1) Existing law requires the owner or operator of a
hazardous waste facility to submit a hazardous waste facility closure
and postclosure plan to the Department of Toxic Substances Control and
to the California regional water quality control board for the region
in which the facility is located.
This bill would require the department to impose the requirements of
a hazardous waste facility postclosure plan by issuing a postclosure
permit, issuing an enforceable order, or entering into an enforceable
AB 1248 (2003-2004)
, Aghazarian: ( Version (chaptered) 2003-10-09 )
Topic: Waste discharge requirements.
Last Action: Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter 690, Statutes
of 2003. (2003-10-09)
Note: This bill was signed into law.
Digest Summary: Existing law, the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control
Act, requires the State Water Resources Control Board and the California
regional water quality control boards to carry out various duties relating
to water quality, including the issuance of waste discharge requirements,
water reclamation requirements, and related orders.
This bill would require the state board or the regional board, as appropriate,
to provide notice and a period of at least 30 days for public comment
prior to adopting waste discharge requirements, water reclamation requirements,
or those related orders.
AB 1265 (2003-2004)
, Benoit: SEN JUDICIARY ( Version (amended asm) 2003-05-05 )
Topic: Engineers and land surveyors: limited liability partnerships.
Last Action: In committee: Hearing postponed by committee. (2003-07-10)
Note: This bill is a two year bill.
Digest Summary: (1) Existing law, the Professional Engineers Act and
the Professional Land Surveyors' Act, provides for the licensing and
regulation of engineers and land surveyors.
This bill would additionally authorize an engineer and a land surveyor
to practice within the scope of his or her licensure as a limited liability
AB 1280 (2003-2004)
, Liu: ASM NATURAL RESOURCES ( Version (introduced) 2003-02-21 )
Topic: San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy.
Last Action: In committee: Set, first hearing. Hearing canceled at the
request of author. (2003-05-05)
Note: This bill is a two year bill.
Digest Summary: Existing law provides for the San Gabriel and Lower
Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy.
This bill would add a provision to the definition of the territory of
the conservancy to clarify that the conservancy and the Santa Monica
Mountains Conservancy may enter into a memorandum of agreement to pursue
joint projects.
AB 1353 (2003-2004)
, Matthews: SEN ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ( Version (amended asm) 2003-05-06
Topic: Waste discharge requirements: exemption.
Last Action: Referred to Com. on ENV. QUAL. In committee: Hearing postponed
by committee. (2003-06-12)
Note: This bill is a two year bill.
Digest Summary: (1) Existing law, the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control
Act, with certain exceptions, imposes on a person for whom waste discharge
requirements have been prescribed, an annual fee established by the
State Water Resources Control Board, not to exceed $20,000, but subject
to an annual adjustment, on the basis of total flow, volume, number
of animals, threat to water quality, and area involved.
This bill would provide that a person who stores liquid wastewater in
a holding tank and periodically transports the liquid wastewater to
an authorized disposal facility is not subject to waste discharge requirements
and is subject to the payment of an annual fee of $50, if the appropriate
regional board determines that the discharge will not have a significant
impact on the environment.
AB 1360 (2003-2004)
, Steinberg: ( Version (chaptered) 2003-10-03 )
Topic: Environmental quality: environmental indicators.
Last Action: Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter 664, Statutes
of 2003. (2003-10-03)
Note: This bill was signed into law.
Digest Summary: Existing law requires the Secretary for Environmental
Protection, on or before January 1, 2002, to convene a Working Group
on Environmental Justice to assist the California Environmental Protection
Agency (Cal/EPA) in developing, on or before July 1, 2002, an agencywide
strategy for identifying and addressing gaps in existing programs, policies,
or activities that may impede the achievement of environmental justice.
This bill would require the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
(OEHHA), on behalf of the office of the Secretary for Environmental
Protection, beginning on July 1, 2004, and, to the extent that funds
are appropriated by the Legislature, to develop and maintain a system
of environmental indicators that meets specified objectives.
AB 1367 (2003-2004)
, Laird: SEN ( Version (amended sen) 2003-09-08 )
Topic: Waste: regulation.
Last Action: To inactive file on motion of Senator Sher. (2003-09-09)
Note: This bill is a two year bill.
Digest Summary: (1) Existing law establishes various standards for management
and control of hazardous waste.
This bill would authorize the department to adopt alternative management
standards by regulation, for hazardous waste management activities that
meet specified criteria.
AB 1375 (2003-2004)
2003-02-21 )
Topic: Waste discharge requirements: municipal separate storm sewer
Last Action: In committee: Set, first hearing. Hearing canceled at the
request of author. (2003-04-29)
Note: This bill is a two year bill.
Digest Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control
Board and the California regional water quality control boards prescribe
waste discharge requirements for the discharge of storm water by municipalities
and industries in accordance with the federal national pollutant discharge
elimination system (NPDES) permit program established by the Clean Water
Act, and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act.
This bill would require the state board and the regional boards to prescribe
and enforce waste discharge requirements for municipal separate storm
sewer systems in conformance with the maximum extent practicable standard
set forth in the Clean Water Act.
AB 1405 (2003-2004)
, Wolk and Harman: ( Version (chaptered) 2003-10-09 )
Topic: California Watershed Protection and Restoration Act.
Last Action: Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter 693, Statutes
of 2003. (2003-10-09)
Note: This bill was signed into law.
Digest Summary: Existing law provides for a watershed protection program,
and provides funds to assist in implementing watershed plans to reduce
flooding, control erosion, improve water quality, and improve aquatic
and terrestrial species habitats, to restore natural systems of groundwater
recharge, native vegetation, waterflows, and riparian zones, to restore
the beneficial uses of waters of the state in watersheds, and to provide
matching funds for federal grant programs.
This bill would enact the California Watershed Protection and Restoration
AB 1517 (2003-2004)
asm) 2003-04-07 )
Topic: Stormwater.
Last Action: Joint Rule 61(a)(2) suspended. (Com. on NAT. RES. and E.S.
& T.M.) (Ayes 77. Noes 0. Page 1379.) (2003-05-01)
Note: This bill is a two year bill.
Digest Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control
Board and the California regional water quality control boards regulate
the discharge of stormwater in accordance with the federal Clean Water
Act and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act.
This bill would state the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation
that would foster science-based, environmentally beneficial, results-oriented,
and cost-effective water quality programs that draw on the strengths
of municipalities that administer stormwater permits and the state and
regional water quality control boards.
AB 1541 (2003-2004)
, Montanez: ( Version (chaptered) 2003-09-29 )
Topic: Waste discharge requirements: penalties.
Last Action: Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter 609, Statutes
of 2003. (2003-09-29)
Note: This bill was signed into law.
Digest Summary: Existing law, the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control
Act, with certain exceptions, requires the imposition of a mandatory
minimum penalty in the amount of $3,000 for certain violations of waste
discharge requirements, including for each serious violation, as defined,
and, under certain circumstances, for a violation of a waste discharge
requirement effluent limitation, a failure to file a waste discharge
report, or a violation of a toxicity discharge limitation.
This bill would classify a failure to file a required discharge monitoring
report for each complete period of 30 days following the deadline for
submitting the report, if the report is designed to ensure compliance
with effluent limitations contained in waste discharge requirements,
as a "serious violation" for the purposes of these provisions
and, subject to certain exceptions, would make that serious violation
subject to a penalty of $3,000 for each 30-day period a report is not
submitted as required.
AB 1598 (2003-2004)
, Corbett: ( Version (chaptered) 2003-09-22 )
Topic: Seismic safety: insurance: retrofitting.
Last Action: Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter 448, Statutes
of 2003. (2003-09-22)
Note: This bill was signed into law.
Digest Summary: Existing law requires the Department of Insurance to
establish a program for residential grants and loans to help pay for
the retrofitting of high-risk residential dwellings owned or occupied
by low- and moderate-income households, in order to minimize the risk
of earthquake damage to those dwellings and thereby reduce the costs
of residential earthquake insurance.
This bill would limit the department to using no more than $265,000
for the 1998-99 through 2002-03 fiscal years, and to using no more than
$290,000 per fiscal year thereafter to administer the program.
AB 1609 (2003-2004)
, Spitzer: ASM ( Version (introduced) 2003-02-21 )
Topic: Public contracts: design-build-operate.
Last Action: Read first time. (2003-02-24)
Note: This bill is a two year bill.
Digest Summary: Existing law sets forth the requirements for the solicitation
and evaluation of bids and the awarding of contracts by public entities
for the erection, construction, alteration, repair, or improvement of
any public structure, building, road, or other public improvement.
This bill would make legislative findings and declarations, including
that the single-step design-build-operate process is an attractive and
valuable alternative to a public entity in comparison to the existing
3-step process of design-bid-build and then the separate operation of
the project.
SB 22 (2003-2004)
, Sher and Burton: ( Version (enrolled) 2003-04-07 )
Topic: Surface mining and reclamation.
Last Action: Chaptered by Secretary of State. Chapter 3, Statutes of
2003. (2003-04-07)
Note: This bill was signed into law.
Digest Summary: The existing Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1975
prohibits a person from conducting surface mining operations without
obtaining a permit from the lead agency for those operations, and submitting
and receiving approval for a reclamation plan and financial assurances
from the lead agency.
This bill would repeal the provision making the operation of those changes
contingent on the enactment of SB 1828 on or before January 1, 2003.
SB 34 (2003-2004)
, Soto: SEN RULES ( Version (introduced) 2002-12-05 )
Topic: Inland Empire Water Quality Authority.
Last Action: To Com. on RLS. (2003-01-08)
Note: This bill is two year bill.
Digest Summary: Existing law establishes the San Gabriel Basin Water
Quality Authority to take measures to improve the quality of groundwater
in the San Gabriel Basin.
This bill would enact the Inland Empire Water Quality Authority Act.
SB 214 (2003-2004)
, Morrow: SEN ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ( Version (amended sen) 2003-04-09
Topic: Waste discharge requirements: municipal separate storm sewer
Last Action: Set, first hearing. Hearing canceled at the request of
author. (2003-04-28)
Note: This bill is a two year bill.
Digest Summary: Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control
Board and the California regional water quality control boards prescribe
waste discharge requirements for the discharge of stormwater by municipalities
and industries in accordance with the federal national pollutant discharge
elimination system (NPDES) permit program established by the federal
Clean Water Act, and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act.
This bill would require the state board and the regional boards to prescribe
and enforce waste discharge requirements for municipal separate storm
sewer systems that conform to the "maximum extent practicable"
standard set forth in the Clean Water Act.
SB 277 (2003-2004)
, Ducheny: ( Version (chaptered) 2003-09-29 )
Topic: Water: Salton Sea.
Last Action: Chaptered by Secretary of State. Chapter 611, Statutes
of 2003. (2003-09-29)
Note: This bill was signed into law.
Digest Summary: (1) Under existing law, various agencies carry out responsibilities
relating to the Salton Sea.
This bill would enact the Salton Sea Restoration Act.
SB 1079 (2003-2004)
, Committee on Business and Prof: ( Version (chaptered) 2003-09-05 )
Topic: Department of Consumer Affairs.
Last Action: Chaptered by Secretary of State. Chapter 325, Statutes
of 2003. (2003-09-05)
Note: This bill was signed into law.
Digest Summary: (1) Existing law provides for the regulation of landscape
architects by the California Architects Board.
This bill would require a licensee to file his or her current mailing
or business address at the board's Sacramento office and would require
the licensee to immediately notify the board if his or her business
or mailing address changed.