Date: Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Location: Steven's Steak House, 5332 Stevens Place, Commerce, California
Time: 6:00 p.m.-Social Hour; 7:00 p.m.-Dinner; 7:45
Cost: $25 per person with reservations, $30 at the door, $12 for students with a valid Student ID
Reservations: Call (949) 253-5924 ex 564, or email Brian Villalobos,
By noon, Monday, September 13, 2004
PRESENTER: Dr. John Parrish - Executive Officer, State Mining and Geology Board, and
Mr. Paul Sweeney - Executive Director, Board of Registration for Geologists and Geophysicists
TOPIC: "California Performance Review Report as it Pertains to our Profession"
Both Dr. Parrish and Mr. Sweeney have been asked to discuss the California Performance Review (CPR) Report
and specifically those sections that deal with the merger of the Boards. Mr. Sweeney will give a summary of the CPR process and
the proposed merger of the Geology boards. Dr. Parrish will discuss the merger and why he favors it.
If you are interested in reviewing the CPR report in advance of the meeting, you can access the document on the web at Refer to RES08 for language regarding the merger of the Boards, and Chapter 8 for a discussion of
placement of the Boards in the Department of Conservation, Natural Resources Division. Please note that the CPR is also proposing
to eliminate the California REA program. This is of interest to a significant number of our members also, and we would like to
hear from the REAs in our membership as to their position regarding that proposal.