| Serving professionals in engineering, environmental, and groundwater geology since 1957 | |
We hope you will join us for the AEG Southern California meeting on Wednesday, November 8th, the meeting will be held at Victorio's Ristorante, in North Hollywood.
Speaker will be Shant Minas of Applied Earth Sciences, and a former Chair of the Southern California Chapter of AEG
Please see below for meeting information including whom to RSVP.
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Mr. Shant Minas, PG, CEG, PMP Principal Geologist, Managing Director, Applied Earth Sciences, Glendale, California
"Everything but the Kitchen Sink": A Multidimensional Geotechnical, Geologic and Environmental Investigation for a Proposed Manufacturing and Office Facility on a Complicated Brownfield Site, Los Angeles, California.
Victorio's Ristorante 10901 Victory Blvd North Hollywood, CA 91606 818-762-9000
Wednesday, November 8, 2023 5:45pm - Social Hour 6:45pm - Dinner 7:30pm - Program
$45 per person with reservations in advance for AEG members, $50 without reservations (at the door), FREE for students with a valid student ID and current AEG Student membership, the Student Membership is FREE as well, so join and get a free dinner.
Please email Darrin Hasham at: DHASHAM@EARTHSYSTEMS.COM or call (909) 380-3289.
Please make reservations prior to 3 p.m., Tuesday, November 7th.
No meeting in December due to the holidays. |
Abstract |
From 2015 through 2019 Applied Earth Sciences conducted a series of geotechnical, geologic and environmental studies on a Brownfield property, located in the city of Los Angeles. The site location was complicated by numerous factors: it is situated at the toe of an ascending slope near two mapped landslides; within the wider Newport-Inglewood Fault Zone; adjacent to Ballona Creek (a major watershed draining the northern Los Angeles Basin); in a liquefaction zone, near existing oil wells/fields, a methane zone, and was previously used as a petroleum product transfer terminal by Chevron, with 10 (leaking) underground tanks and 3 aboveground tanks. Prior to our involvement on the property, several other firms had conducted extensive geotechnical and environmental studies, which needed to be reviewed and incorporated into our analysis. Prior environmental reports indicated abundant gasoline and diesel contamination, which were partially remediated/removed. The site is also adjacent to a dry cleaner with a history of PCE and TCE contaminant discharges. Our client was a major corporation with plans to establish a mixed-use manufacturing and office facility on the site. AES conducted a multidimensional, multiyear investigation and analysis consisting of prior records review, five geotechnical borings and laboratory testing, six environmental borings with corresponding chemical analysis of samples, 13 cone penetrometer soundings for fault study, site and regional geologic mapping for landslide hazard, and preparation of numerous geotechnical, geologic and environmental reports. Mitigation recommendations included an impact wall and debris basin for debris storage as form of mitigation for landslide and mudflow hazard; mat foundation supported on piles to support the proposed buildings to mitigate the high groundwater and liquefaction potential; a portion of site set aside for dewatering and contaminated groundwater treatment prior to discharge into the creek; site grading to provide toe of slope setback; and a soil vapor mitigation system for the habitable buildings. Our reports were eventually approved by the LADBS for the construction of the proposed buildings, but the environmental remediation challenges remain, and the site remains vacant.
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