Date: Tuesday, March 9, 2004
Location: Steven’s Steak House, 5332 Stevens Place, Commerce,
Time: 6:00 p.m.-Social Hour; 7:00 p.m.-Dinner; 7:45
Cost: $25 per person with reservations, $30 at the door, $12 for students with a valid Student ID
Reservations: Call (949) 253-5924 ex 564, or email Brian Villalobos,
By 5:00 p.m., Friday, March 5, 2004
SPEAKER: Paul Frost and Mark Gamache, Engineers, California Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources
TITLE: Urban Development of Oil Fields in the Los Angeles Basin Area, 1983 to 2001
Since the inception of the Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources (division)
Construction-Site Plan Review Program in 1983, division staff has reviewed over 2,300 construction-site projects in the Los Angeles
Basin area. The program is an integral part of building and safety procedures for urban development of oilfield properties. Under
its auspices and before issuing building permits, local permitting agencies review and implement the division's pre-construction oil
well recommendations and requirements. Interaction between local permitting agencies and the division helps resolve land-use issues
and allows for responsible urban development of oil field properties.
The division maintains construction-site project data in a computer database and in paper files. Statistics of oil-well proximity
to proposed structures come from that data and are tabulated by oil field. The results suggest there are three types of urbanized
oil fields in the Los Angeles Basin area. "Type 1" oil fields are in densely urbanized areas. Building activity is characterized by
additions to existing structures and/or replacement structures. "Type2a" oil fields are in transitional areas with dense
urbanization, but with small parcels and single lots still available-primarily for residential development. "Type 2b" oil fields
also are in transitional areas, but the small parcels still available are primarily for commercial or industrial development.
Type 3" oil fields are in areas with recent urbanization and large-parcel development. This information may prove valuable to local
permitting agencies, oil operators, developers, real estate brokers, property owners, and the general public.
Paul Frost is an Associate Oil and Gas Engineer in Cypress with the
California Division of Oil and Gas. He currently is assigned to the Environmental Section overseeing CEQA review, lease inspection
and environmental concerns of the division. He received an Associate of Science degree from Cypress College in 1978 and a
Certificate in Hazardous Materials Management from University California Irvine in 1993. Paul worked as a production and
environmental assistant with Tidelands Oil Production Company from 1979 to 1998. He came to the division in April 1999.
Mark Gamache is an Associate Oil and Gas Engineer in Cypress with the California Division of Oil and Gas. He currently is
assigned to the Environmental Section overseeing the idle well and pipeline management programs. He received a Bachelor of Science
degree in Zoology for Washington State University in 1977, a Bachelor of Arts degree in Allied Health Science from Central Washington
University in 1983, a Master of Science degree in Geology from Washington State University in 1986, and an Associate of Science
degree in Environmental Hazardous Material Technology from Bakersfield Community College in 1992.