Serving professionals in engineering, environmental,
and groundwater geology since 1957


Date: Tuesday, August 15th
Location: Steven's Steak House, 5332 Stevens Place, Commerce, California

Time: 6:00 p.m.-Social Hour; 7:00 p.m.-Dinner; 7:45 p.m.-Presentation

Cost: $30 per person with reservations, $35 at the door, $15 for students with a valid Student ID

Reservations: Please call (323) 889-5366 or email

SPEAKER: Jerry Treiman, California Geological Survey
TOPIC: The Long-Awaited Parkfield Earthquake, September 28, 2004


Moderate earthquakes have occurred in the Parkfield area at fairly regular intervals since the 1880s. The regularity of these events, from 1881 to 1966, led earth scientists to propose the "Parkfield Prediction Experiment" to look at precursors and the possibility of earthquake prediction at Parkfield. As a result Parkfield became one of the most intensely instrumented areas in anticipation of the next earthquake. The recent M 6.0 Parkfield earthquake was the sixth in this series of earthquakes on the central portion of the San Andreas fault in the past 125 years. Surface rupture occurred along a 32 km stretch of the San Andreas fault and related parallel fault strands. This earthquake met some of our expectations and surprised us in some other aspects. This talk will look at the setting, geomorphology, earthquake history and the effects of the most recent earthquake.


Jerry Treiman has been a geologist with the California Geological Survey (previously the California Division of Mines & Geology) for the past 29 years. For the past 19 of those he has focused on earthquake and fault hazards. He has been responsible for the establishment and revision of Earthquake Fault Zones under the Alquist-Priolo act and has searched for and mapped surface fault rupture in numerous earthquakes including the El Centro ('80), Superstition Hills ('87), Loma Prieta ('89), Landers ('92), Northridge ('94), Hector Mine ('99), San Simeon ('03) and Parkfield ('04) earthquakes.