Date: Tuesday, April 8, 2003
Location: Steven's Steak House,
5332 Stevens Place, Commerce, CA
Time: 5:30 p.m. - Social Hour;
7:00 p.m. – Dinner;
8:00 p.m. – Presentation
Cost: $25 per person with reservations, $30 at the door.
Reservations: Call (949) 253-5924 ext. 564, or email Brian Villalobos,
12:00 p.m., Friday, April 4, 2003
SPEAKERS: Allen M. Yourman, Jr. and Christopher M. Diaz
TITLE: Pier T and Pier 400
Container Terminal Buildings Ground Improvement
This presentation focuses on ground improvement to mitigate the liquefaction hazard for 30 structures
at the two largest container terminals in San Pedro Bay. At each project site, stone column and deep
dynamic compaction ground improvement, along with piles were successfully used to mitigate the
liquefaction hazard. A brief history is provided regarding recent regulatory requirements for
liquefaction mitigation for buildings. Definitions and discussions of stone column and deep dynamic
compaction techniques are provided. Advantages and disadvantages of these and other ground improvement
techniques are addressed. A comparison of costs and schedules between ground improvement and driven
piles are presented. Post-improvement data based on CPT soundings and SPT borings are interpreted.
Allen Yourman, P.E., G.E., project manager for the Pier T project, will be one of the presenters.
Mr. Yourman has a BS and MS in Civil Engineering from UCLA. Mr. Yourman has 25 years of geotechnical
engineering experience in Southern California. He has designed, permitted and constructed projects
using a wide variety of ground improvement techniques including stone columns, vibro concrete columns,
vibro compaction, jet grouting, compaction grouting, deep soil mixing, and deep dynamic compaction.
Christopher Diaz, P.E. will also be one of the presenters and was the geotechnical project manager for
the Pier 400 project. Mr. Diaz received his BS and ME in Civil Engineering from Texas A & M. Mr. Diaz
has 9 years of geotechnical experience in Southern California and over 20 years experience in the
Civil/Construction industries. Similar to Mr. Yourman, he has designed, permitted, and/or constructed
projects using a wide variety of ground improvement techniques including stone columns, vibro concrete
columns, jet grouting, compaction grouting, deep soil mixing, and deep dynamic compaction.