| Serving professionals in engineering, environmental, and groundwater geology since 1957 |
2024 |
Date |
Speaker(s) |
Topic(s) |
Location |
News |
August 21 |
Mr. John Diehl, PE, GEOVision Geophysical Services |
"Geophysical tools and techniques that support Geotechnical Investigations" |
Eastvale Johnny Carina's Italian Restaurant |
Saturday April 20 |
AEG Inland Empire Spring Field Trip Anza-Borrego State Park: Split Mountain to Sandstone Canyon
March 20 |
Mandro Eslami and Ryan Bulatao, Western Ground Improvement |
"Various ground improvement
options for challenging geotechnical
conditions" |
Temecula Pizza Factory |
February 21 |
Sarah Kalika, PG, CAC, CDPH Lead I/A/S, Principal Geologist, DiabloGeo Environmental Consulting and AEG 2024 President |
"What's in that Soil? Site Characteriza3on, Sampling Hazards, and PPE" |
Eastvale Johnny Carino's |
January 17 |
Gerry Kasman, CEG, Geocon |
"Fault Hazard Explorations In a Deep Alluvial/Limited Space Environment" |
Temecula Aftershock Brewery |
2017 |
Meetings are usually held the 3rd Wednesday of each month |
Date |
Speaker(s) |
Topic(s) |
Location |
News |
October 18 |
Dr. Chris Milner, Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
"How Do Fault Systems Release Strain? Insights Using Novel Geodetic Imaging Techniques" |
Colton Pinnacle Peak Restaurant |
September 20 |
Eduardo Hernandez, PE, Principal Engineer, Project X Corrosion Engineering |
"Corrosion Evaluations for Geotechnical Engineering:
What IS a Corrosion Engineer Looking For?" |
Colton Pinnacle Peak Restaurant |
June 21 |
Jonathan C. Matti, Geologist, U.S. Geological Survey |
Colton Pinnacle Peak Restaurant |
May 24 |
Dr. Scott A. Anderson, Richard H. Jahns Distinguished Lecturer for 2016-2017 |
"Solid as a Rock: How engineering geology relates to transportation asset management" |
Colton Pinnacle Peak Restaurant |
April 19 |
Greg Johnson, Los Angeles County Department of Public Works |
"Going Three-Roundswith an Active Landslide",Hume Road Landslide, Malibu, CA |
Colton Pinnacle Peak Steakhouse |
April 5 |
Claudia Faunt, Ph.D, P.E., USGS |
"Water Availability and Sustainability
in California's Central Valley: Past, Present, and Future" |
Riverside UC Riverside |
March 15 |
Dr. Joan E. Fryxell, CSU San Bernardino |
"Extensional Development of the Horse Range, Nye County, NV" |
Colton Pinnacle Peak Steakhouse |
February 15 |
Robert G. Taylor, P. G., Forest Hydrologist, DWR FERC IDT Leader Forest Service |
"United States Forest Service Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) program using local and recent fire examples." |
Colton Pinnacle Peak Steakhouse |
January 18 |
Dr. Norman Meek, Chair of Geography, CSU San Bernardino |
"Evidence for Middle Pleistocene surface upli5 of the northern Cady Mountains, central Mojave Desert, CA" |
Colton Pinnacle Peak Steakhouse |
2016 |
Date |
Speaker(s) |
Topic(s) |
Location |
News |
December 14 |
Dr. Jeff Keaton, Amec Foster Wheeler |
"Innovative Modification to Improve Resilience of the Los Angeles Aqueduct after the next San Andreas Earthquake" |
Colton Pinnacle Peak Steakhouse |
November 09 |
Holly Nichols, California Department of Water Resources |
"Seismic Remediation of Perris Dam - Design Concept and Update on Construction Progress" |
Colton Pinnacle Peak Steakhouse |
October 19 |
Dr. Andy Ridgwell, University of California Riverside |
"Can the Past Inform the Future" |
Colton Pinnacle Peak Steakhouse |
June 15 |
Goeff Cromwell and Greg Mendez, USGS, San Diego |
"3D hydrogeologic framework model of the Yucaipa Basin" |
Colton Pinnacle Peak Steakhouse |
May 3 |
Anne Rosinski, California Geological Survey |
"California Earthquake Clearinghouse" |
Riverside Old Spaghetti Factory |
April 21 |
Jerome De Graff 2016 AEG-GSA Jahns Distinguished Lecturer |
"Fire, earth & rain: emergency response for wildfire-induced landslide hazards" |
Colton Pinnacle Peak Steakhouse |
March 16 |
Dr. David Oglesby University of California at Riverside |
"Chasing Rainbows -or- What Can Surface Slip Tell Us About Fault Connectivity at Depth" |
Colton Pinnacle Peak Steakhouse |
February 17 |
Dr. Sally McGill Geological Sciences, California State University at San Bernardino |
"Distribution of fault slip across the Pacific-North America plate boundary in southern California: Recent results from geologic and geodetic studies" |
Colton Pinnacle Peak Steakhouse |
January 21 |
Dr. Peter Robertson Gregg Drilling & Testing Inc. |
"An Introduction to the CPT for geotechnical and geo-environmental applications" |
Colton Pinnacle Peak Steakhouse |
2015 |
Date |
Speaker(s) |
Topic(s) |
Location |
News |
December 09 |
Jeffrey R Keaton Amec Foster Wheeler, Los Angeles, CA |
"Earthquake Ground Motion for Design of Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge (US Highway 93)" |
Colton Pinnacle Peak Steakhouse |
November 12 |
Dr. Norman Meek California State University, San Bernardino |
"How (In)Effective is the Headward Erosion Process" |
Colton Pinnacle Peak Steakhouse |
October 21 |
Dr. Jonathan C. Matti U.S. Geological Survey |
"The San Andreas Fault system
in the Inland Empire region: What is known and what remains to be known" |
Colton Pinnacle Peak Steakhouse |
June 17 |
Dr. John Izbicki USGS and this year's Groundwater Resources Association David Keith Todd Distinguished Lecturer |
"Using Disparate, Process-Oriented Data to Solve Hydrologic Problems" |
Colton Pinnacle Peak |
Saturday May 30 |
Annual Chapter Short Course RISK Short Course: The Many Facets of Geologic Risk
Saturday May 02 |
Annual Chapter Field Trip "An Uplifting Experience: The Cajon Valley: 70 Ma of Textbook Geology"
March 30 |
Eldon Gath Earth Consultants International 2015 AEG/GSA Jahns Distinguished Lecturer |
"Natural Hazard Identification, Impact Analysis, and Risk Assessment for Community Disaster Mitigation Planning" |
UC Riverside Geology Dept |
February 18 |
Gareth Funning UC Riverside |
"The 2014 South Napa, California earthquake:
a complex event on an (almost) unknown fault" |
Riverside Cask 'n Cleaver |
January 21 |
Desmond Chung Geobrugg North America, LLC |
"Dirt Can Hurt: Utilizing Flexible Solutions" |
Corona Marie Calanders |
2014 |
Date |
Speaker(s) |
Topic(s) |
Location |
News |
November 13 |
Austin Marshall Mine Manager, Mitsubishi Cement Corporation |
"Planning & Permitting Process for Mitsubishi Cement Corporation's South Quarry Expansion" |
Lake Elsinore Lonestar Steakhouse |
October 15 |
Ron Lin II Los Angeles Times |
"Mapping the Hollywood Fault" |
Rancho Cucamonga Old Spaghetti Factory |
June 11 |
Hans van de Vrugt Southwest Geophysics |
"Advancement in Fundamentals of Various Geophysical Methods and Instrumentation" |
Lake Elsinore Lonestar Steakhouse |
Saturday May 31 9am-2pm |
May 2014 Annual Chapter Short Course
"2013 California Building Code Update" Jennifer Thornburg, California Geological Survey Dr. Jorge Meneses, GEI Consultants, Carlsbad, CA
San Bernardino Elks Lodge, 2055 Elks Dr., San Bernardino, CA |
April 16 |
Ed Larue Circle Mountain Biological Consultants, Inc. |
"Desert Tortoise Detection and Occurrence in the Morongo Basin" |
Riverside Red Lobster Restaurant |
March 19 |
Ron Skaggs Condor Earth Technologies, Inc
Kerry Cato Cato Geoscience, Inc |
"Investigation, Design, and Construction Of The Oak Mountain Wine Tunnel; With Examples of Tunneling From the Napa Valley" |
Temecula Oak Mountain Winery |
February 27 |
Dr. Greg Hempen, URS, St. Louis, MO |
2nd February Meeting of the Chapter "Kaboom! (or whoosh?) [AKA: Mitigating Blasting Impacts without Diminishing Effectiveness]"
"2014 AEG/GSA Jahns Lecturer In Southern California" Download the Schedule
February 6 |
Dr. Frederick Chester, Texas A&M University
1st February Meeting of the Chapter Joint Societies Meeting (co-sponsored by SME, IGS, & AEG_IE)
CSU-San Bernardino Obershaw Dining Room |
2013 |
Date |
Speaker(s) |
Topic(s) |
Location |
News |
December 12 |
Tony Morgan, United Water Conservation District, Santa Paula, CA |
Rancho Cucamonga Cask n' Cleaver |
November 13 |
Stanley M. Miller, PhD, PE, CPESC, Senior Engineer, STRATA, Inc., Pullman, WA |
"Reinforcement Patterns for Rock-Slope Stabilization: From Data Collection to Design Calculations" |
Temecula Marie Calendar's |
October 16 |
Stephen Testa, Executive Officer, California State Mining & Geology Board |
"State Mining and Geology Board -
Then and Now" |
Rancho Cucamonga The Old Spaghetti Factory |
July 18 |
Dr. Keith Meldahl, Professor, Mira Costa College |
"ROUGH HEWN LAND: A Geologic Journey from California to the Rocky Mountains" |
Temecula Temecula Public Library |
June 12 |
Mike Hart, San Diego, CA.
"WHEN LANDSLIDES ARE MISINTERPRETED AS FAULTS Or, Your fault is My Landslide (sometimes)" |
Temecula Marie Callender's |
May 11 |
2013 Annual Chapter Field Trip
Wildomar Fault, Elsinore Graben and Development Challenges, and Vulcan Quarry (Corona)
April 25 |
Brandon Griffiths, Rio Tinto Minerals - Boron Operations
"Hydrology and Engineering Geology Required To Manage Pit Stability At The Rio Tinto Boron Mine" |
San Bernardino CSU |
March 21 |
Dr. David Lynch, U.S. Geological Survey - Caltech
"Recently-Exposed Fumaroles At The Edge Of The Salton Sea" |
Rancho Cucamonga The Old Spaghetti Factory |
February 19 |
2013 AEG/GSA JAHNS DISTINGUISHED LECTURER Dr. James P. McCalpin, GEO-HAZ Consulting, Inc "Paleoseismology; Has it Reduced Seismic Hazards, and if not, How Do We Change Course?"
OTHER TALKS AT SO CAL UNIVERSITIES BY DR. McCALPIN Monday February 18 - 1:00 - 2:00 pm: CSU-San Bernardino Paleoseismology; Has it Reduced Seismic Hazards, and if not, How Do We Change Course?
Tuesday February 19 - 11:00 - 12:00: Cal Poly Pomona LiDAR Reveals the Bare Earth: LiDAR Geomorphology and its Applications to Engineering Geology
Tuesday February 19 - 3:00 - 4:00 pm: UC Riverside The Mountains Are Falling Apart; A Spectrum of Mass Failures from Landslides through Deep-Seated Gravitational Spreading (Sackung), to "Unfolding" of Folds
Pomona Geology Dept, Cal Poly Pomona |
January 16 |
Dr. Miles Kenney Kenny GeoScience
"Quaternary structure and stratigraphy of the Century City/Cheviot Hills area associated with interactions of the Santa Monica and Newport-Inglewood Fault Zones, California" |
Temecula Temecula Library |
2012 |
Date |
Speaker(s) |
Topic(s) |
Location |
News |
December 11 |
Dr. Doug Yule CSU - Northridge
"Probability of Through-going San Andreas Fault Rupture In San Gorgonio Pass" |
Rancho Cucamonga Cask n' Cleaver |
November 14 |
Jim Larwood, AECOM
"Characterization and Remediation of Deep Multi-Aquifer Systems Critical and Innovative Planning Strategies" |
Temecula Marie Callender's |
October 23 |
Dr. Roy Shlemon Roy Shlemon & Associates Newport Beach, CA
"A Proposed Mid-Holocene Age Definition for Hazardous Faults in California" |
Corona Marie Callender's |
Saturday June 9 |
Annual 1-Day FIELD TRIP
Geology and Geologic Hazards and Other Cool Stuff Along Portions of Hwy 18 and Hwy 330
Saturday May 12 |
Annual 1-Day Short Course - Jointly Sponsored AEG-Inland Empire Chapter and the American Society of Civil Engineers-San Bernardino/Riverside Geotechnical Committee
Landslides and Slope Stability  For Geologists & Geotechnical Engineers
University of California - Riverside, Extension
April 12 |
Southern California Earth Resources Awareness Meeting A Joint Meeting Society of Mining, Metallurgy, Inland Geological Society Association of Environmental & Exploration Engineering Geologists Inland Empire Chapter
Brock O'Kelley MolyCorp |
"An Update On Project Phoenix, The Re-opening Of The Modernized Mountain Pass Rare Earth Element Mine, California"
CSU- San Bernardino |
And |
"20th Anniversary Of The Founding Of The Department Of Geological Sciences At California State University, San Bernardino" |
March 22 |
Dr. Scott Burns Portland State University and the GSA/AEG 2011 Jahns Distinguished Lecturer
"Urban Landslides, Challenges to Forensic Engineering Geologists" |
CSU- San Bernardino |
March 20 |
Additional Talk |
"Cataclysms on the Columbia, the Great Missoula Floods" |
Hewett Club UC-Riverside Earth Sciences Dept. |
February 16 |
Stephen Testa, Executive Officer CA SMGB
"Historical Development of the Petroleum Industry in California"
LOS ANGELES CITY OIL FIELD.pdf  OIL INDUSTRY HISTORY.pdf  Oil-Industry History Volume 8 Nov 1 2007.pdf 
Temecula Temecula Public Library |
January 18 |
John A. Izbicki, USGS
"In-situ arsenic removal during groundwater recharge through unsaturated alluvium" |
Rancho Cucamonga Spaghetti Factory |
2011 |
Date |
Speaker(s) |
Topic(s) |
Location |
News |
November 17 |
Stephan E. Jacobs, Consultant Engineering Geologist San Diego
"Yellowstone National Park, 2010, from the Eyes of a Geologist" |
Temecula Temecula Public Library |
October 27 |
Alan Smith, CSU-San Bernardino
"Volcanic Hazards of the Lesser Antilles Archipelago" |
Saturday May 21 |
2011 Inland Chapter Short Course UC-Riverside-Extension
New Building Code & Regulations
Saturday April 9 |
2011 Annual Chapter Field Trip
Water and the San Bernardino Mountains - The Good, The Bad and The Muddy
March 23 |
Hans Van de Vrugt, Southwest Geophysics, Inc.
"Geophysical Applications on Environmental, Geotechnical, Construction, and Forensic Projects" |
Lake Elsinore Sizzler Restaurant
February 16 |
Bruce Schell
, Schell Geological Consulting
"Reflections and Synthesis of Inland Empire Fault Studies" |
Rancho Cucamonga The Old Spaghetti Factory
January 12 |
Dr. Bill Haneberg, 2011 GSA/AEG Jahns Distinguished Lecturer
"I Left My Probability Density Function in San Francisco" |
Colton Pinnacle Peak Steak House
Dr. Haneberg's other talks in the Inland Empire
Jan 11,Tuesday, 3pm, CSU-San Bernardino, Geoscience Dept, San Bernardino, CA Livin‚ La Vida LiDAR
Jan 12,Wednesday,10am CSU-Pomona, Geoscience Dept, Pomona, CA Making the Most of Airborne LiDAR for Engineering Geologic Applications
Jan 12,Wednesday:2pm, UC-Riverside, Geoscience Dept., Riverside, CA The Landslide That Ate Laprak. |
2010 |
Date |
Speaker(s) |
Topic(s) |
Location |
News |
December 8 |
Miles Kenney,PhD, PG Kenney GeoScience
"Aeolian sand systems in southeastern California since the latest Pleistocene and their evaluation regarding potential impacts associated with solar energy projects" |
Hemet Western Science Center
November 10 |
Bruce Hilton Kleinfelder, Sacramento, CA & President, Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists
"Martis Creek Dam -The Discovery of a New Capable Fault in Tahoe Basin" |
UC-Riverside Earth Sciences Department Courtyard
October 20 |
Thomas K. Rockwell, PhD Department of Geological Sciences, San Diego State University |
"The El Mayor/Cucapah Earthquake, Another Complicated Rupture On A Low Slip Rate Fault" |
CSU San Bernardino
September |
No Chapter Meeting in September
Attend the AEG Annual Meeting, Charleston, SC September 20-25, 2010 |
August 18 |
Anthony F. Severini Environmental Support Technologies, Irvine, California |
"Soil Gas Surveys - Do's and Don'ts, Myths and Truths" |
Temecula Sizzler Restaurant
July 21 |
Jerry Treiman California Geological Survey, Los Angeles |
"Fault Rupture in Southern California as a result of the April 5, 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake and its June 14 aftershock" |
Rancho Cucamonga Old Spaghetti Factory
June 16 |
Mike Hart M. Hart Geoservices |
Temecula Sizzler Restaurant
May 19 |
Woody Higdon Geo-Tech Imagery |
"Landslides Of The Bluebird Canyon And Laguna Beach, California, Past, Present, & Future" |
Riverside Cask n' Cleaver Restaurant
Saturday April 17 |
Geologic Highlights Of The Perris Plain & Temecula/Murrieta Area
download the field trip brochure  |
Perris Plain & Temecula Valley |
March 2 |
2010 GSA/AEG Jahns Distinguished Lecturer Dr. Paul Marinos National Technical University of Athens |
"Geology Of Athens, Greece" |
UC-Riverside Earth Sciences Department
March 2 |
Dr. Paul Marinos National Technical University of Athens |
2nd Marinos Inland Talk At Cal Poly Pomona
"Geology Of Athens, Greece" |
Cal Poly Pomona Earth Sciences Department
February 17 |
Dr. Thomas K. Rockwell Geological Sciences, San Diego State University |
"The Long Paleoseismic Record of Earthquakes on the San Jacinto Fault: When is the Next Local Big One?" |
Temecula Sizzler Restaurant
January 20 |
"Round Table Discussion with AEG Inland members and officers" |
Riverside Cask n' Cleaver Restaurant
2009 |
Date |
Speaker(s) |
Topic(s) |
Location |
News |
November 18 |
Stephen M. Testa Executive Officer, California State Mining and Geology board |
Temecula Sizzler Restaurant
October 14 |
Austin Marshall |
"History Of The Cushenbury Quarry, From Gold Mine to Aggregate Plant" |
Riverside University of California |
August 19 |
Dr. Tom Perina CH2MHill |
"Groundwater Contamination at the Omega Chemical Corporation Superfund Site, Los Angeles County" |
Riverside Cask n' Cleaver |
July 16 |
Woodrow "Woody" Higdon Geo-Tech Imagery |
"Digital Aerial Photography, GIS, & The Soledad Mt. Landslides" |
Hemet Western Center For Archaeology & Paleontology |
June 12 |
AEG-Inland Empire Chapter Annual Short Course Expanding Geological Practice: New Areas & Methods
Click here for information |
May 20 |
Dr. Jeff Keaton MACTEC, Los Angeles, CA |
"Guidelines for Evaluating Scour at Bridge Foundations on Rock: Status of NCHRP Project 24-29" |
Murrieta Carrows Restaurant |
April 15 |
Dr. Ed Medley Geosyntec Consultants, Oakland, CA |
GSA/AEG Jahns Distinguished Lecturer
"The Least You Should Know About Characterizing Geological Chaos: Bimrocks" |
Pomona Kellogg Center, Cal Poly Pomona |
See Dr. Medley's other Inland Empire lectures:
Tuesday April 14, 12pm (noon), UC-Riverside Hewett Club, Geology Dept.
"Of Elephants, Earthquakes, Caves and Hot Rock - Recent Geological Engineering Adventures"
Wednesday April 15, 2:30pm, CSU- San Bernardino, Geology Dept.
"The Comforts of Ignorance and the Benefits of Arrogance: Lessons of the Failure Kind for the Geopractitioner"
Thursday April 16, 12pm (noon), Cal Poly Pomona, Geology Dept.
"Forensic Investigation of the Sea Cliff Incident, an Urban Catastrophe"
March 14 |
Field Trip |
"Hydrogeology of Springs in the Palm Springs Area: Field trip to Indian Canyon and Agua Caliente Springs"
click here to download brochure 
February 19 & 20 |
AEG Shlemon Specialty Conference |
"Investigation, Risk Analysis, and Mitigation of Surface Faulting"
click here to download brochure 
Palm Desert, CA
January 21 |
John Izbicki, USGS, San Diego, CA
"Chromium Mobilization From The Unsaturated Zone" |
Riverside Cask 'N Cleaver |
2008 |
Date |
Speaker(s) |
Topic(s) |
Location |
News |
December |
No monthly meeting |
November 19 |
Wesley R. Danskin, U.S.G.S, San Diego
"Water Management in the Age of Hydropolitics: Southern California to Ethiopia" |
Murrieta Carrows Restaurant |
October 15 |
Stephen Testa, Executive Director of California Mining & Geology Board
"The Future of the Geoscience Workforce -- Developing a Career in the Earth Sciences" |
UC Riverside
September |
No Chapter meeting because of AEG Annual Meeting in New Orleans |
August 20 |
Pierre Romo, Geologist and Geophysicist, MACTEC, Los Angeles, California
"Demonstration of Virtual Structural Mapping with Terrestrial Photogrammetry" |
Temecula Marie Calenders |
July 16 |
Dr. Galen Kenoyer, PG, Principal Hydrogeologist, RMT, Los Angeles, CA |
"Attack of the Killer Bacteria - The Fate of Perchlorate at the Stringfellow Superfund Site" |
Redlands Marie Calenders |
June 18 |
Dr. John A. Izbicki, Research Chemist, U.S. Geological Survey, California Water Science Center, San Diego, California |
"Water From Wells or Water From Aquifers ?" |
Temecula (Marie Calenders) |
May |
No monthly meeting, please attend short course |
May 17 Sat 8am-4pm |
Short Course
"California Building Code for Geologists and Engineers"
Click here for more details
UC-R Extension |
April 16 |
Dr. Nate Onderdonk, Associate Professor of Geology, Dept. of Geological Sciences, CSU Long Beach |
"Rotating Crust along the San Andreas Plate Boundary" |
Temecula (Marie Calenders) |
April 5 Sat 8am-2pm |
Click here for more details
Johnson Valley OHV area, San Bernardino County |
March 19 |
Anthony Martin, Geophysicist, Geovision Geophysical Consulting, Corona, CA |
"Engineering Geophysics" |
Redlands (Marie Calenders) |
February 20 |
Dr. David Oglesby, Professor of Geophysics, UC Riverside |
"Tsunamis and Earthquake Dynamics" |
Moreno Valley (PH Woods Restaurant and Brewery) |
January 16 |
Dr. John J. Clague, Department of Earth Sciences, Simon Frasier University |
2008 GSA/AEG Jahns Distinguished Lecturer in Engineering Geology
"Earthquake Hazards and Risk in the Pacific Northwest" |
Cal Poly Pomona (Kellogg West Conference Hall) |
Photos of Dr. John Clague giving his talk and later with members of the Cal Poly Pomona Geology Club. The back four: (From L-->R): Rob Ellis, Dr. Jon Nourse, Logan Wicks, Charles Johnson(Geotectnical Club). The front row: (From L-->R): Dr. Jeff Marshall, Dr. John Clague, Daniel Heaton, Evelyn Mejia, Kimberly Poste, Allison Ruotolo, Lauren Carey, Jessy Bruns, Julie Brown.
(Photos by student newspaper photographer Matthew Zu and AEG Inland Chairman, Mike Cook)
2007 |
Date |
Speaker(s) |
Topic(s) |
Location |
News |
December 19 |
Dr. David Bowman, Associate Professor and Chair, Geology Dept., Cal State Fullerton |
“Accelerating Seismicity Before Large Earthquakes: The Life and Death of an Earthquake Prediction Scheme” |
Corona (Cask ‘N Cleaver) |
November 14 |
Dr. Sally McGill, Professor of Geology, CSU-San Bernardino
CSU-SB Geology Club & AEG Joint Meeting
"Latest Pleistocene slip rate of the San Bernardino strand of the San Andreas fault" |
CSU San Bernardino Geology Lab (Biology Bldg) Rm 112
October 17 |
Dr. Jeff Marshall, Geological Sciences, Cal Poly Pomona University |
"Riding the waves of San Andreas: Geologic and engineering aspects of the 17 October 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake, Santa Cruz, California" |
Temecula (Pat ‘n Oscars) |
September 24-28 (M-F) |
50th AEG Annual Meeting
Golden Anniversary in the Golden State
Click here for more information on the Los Angeles meeting |
Los Angeles

August 15 |
Dr. John A. Izbicki, Research Hydrologist, Water Resources Division, US Geological Survey, San Diego, CA. |
"Fecal Contamination of urban streams and beach area of Santa Barbara” |
Temecula (Marie Calenders) |
July |
Saturday Field Trip |
Mass Wasting, Transverse Ranges, CA |
July 18 |
Dr. Steve Testa, Executive Director, State Mining & Geology Board |
“Implementation of Geoscience Policy in California in Three Acts” |
Riverside (Cask n' Cleaver) |
June 20 |
Dr. Jim Finnegan, Senior Hydrogeologist, Geosyntec Consultants, Pasadena |
"Municipal Landfill and Groundwater Contamination in Southern California" |
Temecula (Country Garden Restaurant) |
May 16 |
John Moylan, R.G., Consulting Geologist |
AEG/GSA 2007 Jahns Distinguished Lecturer “Site Characterization for the Design of Effective Groundwater Remediation Projects” |
San Bernardino (The Castaways - perched at east end of the Shadon Hills) |
Chapter Support to University Students At a recent meeting, the AEG Inland Empire Chapter gave financial assistance ($500/student) to 6 undergraduate geology majors from three local universities. The purpose is to assist with costs of field trips and summer field camp.
May 12, 2007 |
Multiple Speakers |
Continuing Education Course “Earthquake Hazards and Seismic Evaluation"
Click here for details |
UC Riverside Extension
Apr 27-28, 2007 |
Dr. James McCalpin, GEO-HAZ Consulting |
Continuing Education Course "Paleoseismology in Seismic Hazard Assessment; Distinguishing Active Faults from Neotectonic features That Look Like Them"
Click here for details |
UC Riverside Extension
Apr 18, 2007 |
Dr. David Oglesby, Associate Professor of Geophysics, Department of Earth Sciences, University of California, Riverside |
"Issues in Interacting Strike-slip faults" |
Temecula Marie Callender's |
Mar 21, 2007 |
Dr. Kenneth W. Hudnut, Geophysicist, USGS |
“The B4 Project: High Resolution Topographic Scanning of the San Andreas and San Jacinto Fault Zones” |
Ontario Double Tree Hotel |
Mar 10, 2007 |
Continuing Education Course sponsored by IGS and AEG Inland Empire “Groundwater and Related Issues" Saturday March 10, 2007, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Click here for details |
UCR-Extension Riverside |
Feb 24, 2007 |
50th Anniversary Celebration UCR Department of Earth Sciences University of California, Riverside Contact Jo slyn at Joslync@ucr.edu or Dr. Tien Lee, Professor of Geophysics/Hydrogeology Tien.Lee@ucr.edu |
Feb 21, 2007 |
Dr. Brady Rhodes, Professor, Department of Geology, CSU-Fullerton |
"The Search For Paleotsunami Deposits In Southern Thailand" |
Temecula Country Garden Restaurant |
Jan 20, 2007 Sat 7am-3pm |
Field Trip *** Postponed *** Spring Geology of the Indian Canyons and Agua Caliente Hot Springs |
Palm Springs area |
2006 |
Date |
Speaker(s) |
Topic(s) |
Location |
News |
Dec 12, 2006 Tuesday Meeting |
Steve Testa, Executive Director, California State Mining & Geology Board |
"Does local lead agency control really work? (in respect to SMARA, Alquist-Priolo, Siesmic Hazards Mapping, etc.)" |
Corona Cask n' Cleaver |
At the November 15 meeting, the Chapter gave out awards to local university students. to support research. Each student received a $250 check for travel assistance to Professional (GSA) Meetings. Three COM-Pro Brunton Pocket Transits were awarded to the CSU-San Bernardino Geology Department for training students and field camp usage. Chapter officers were also recognized by the Section.
IMG 0820 Chapter President Rick Gundry presents Award to Diana Boyer, graduate student @ UCR, as assistance for her presentation at the recent GSA meeting.
IMG 0821 Chapter President Rick Gundry presents Award to David Mrofka, graduate student @ UCR, as assistance for his presentation at the recent GSA meeting.
IMG 0822 Chapter President Rick Gundry presents 2 Brunton compasses to Dr. Sally McGill, in support of CSU-San Bernardino.
IMG 0824 Chapter President Rick Gundry presents Award to Robert Ellis, student @ CSU Pomona (Cal Poly), for assistance in his presentation at the future GSA meeting.
IMG 0825 Chapter President Rick Gundry presents Award to Allison Ruotolo, student @ CSU Pomona (Cal Poly), for assistance in her presentation at the future GSA meeting.
IMG 0826 Former Section Chairman Charles Nestle presents Award to Past Chapter President Gary Wallace regarding Gary's service as Chapter President in 2006.
IMG 0827 Former Section Chairman Charles Nestle presents Award to Rick Gundry for his sustained efforts in organizing and continued service to the Inland Empire Chapter (not to mention the numerous late night emails).
Nov 15, 2006 |
Tiana Rasmussen, Geophysicist and Project Geologist, Gary S. Rasmussen & Associates, Inc. |
“Refraction Microtremor for Shallow Shear Velocity” |
Rancho Cucamonga Claim Jumper |
Oct 30 - Nov 4 |
AEG 49th Annual Meeting Northeast Engineering Geology From Till to Fill
Click here for more information |
Boston, MA |
Oct 18, 2006 |
Dr. Pinnaduwa H.S.W. Kulatilake, Professor, Geological Engineering Program, University of Arizona |
“Rock slope stability analyses- a case study” & “Three dimensional rock mass fracture geometry and fluid flow modeling for a tunnel site in California” |
Temecula Pat & Oscars |
Sep 20, 2006 |
Dr. David Oglesby, Associate Prof. of Geophysics, UC-Riverside |
“Dynamics of Geometrically Complex Faults” |
Riverside Citrus Grille |
>Aug 16, 2006 |
Dr. Tom Perina, PG, CHG, Senior Hydrogeologist, CH2MHill, Riverside, California |
“Advanced Aquifer test analysis with the general well function" |
Temecula Hungry Hunter |
Jul 19, 2006 |
Dr. Jerry D. Higgins, Associate Professor of Engineering Geology, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado |
"Richard H. Jahns AEG/GSA Distinguished Lecturer in Engineering Geology Rockfall Analysis and Mitigation” |
>Corona Claim Jumper |
Jun 23/24, 2006 |
"Rock Slope Stability Investigation and Analysis”  (Friday/Saturday) |
Temecula Marie Callender's |
Jun 21, 2006 |
Dr. Miles D. Kenney, Petra Geotechnical |
"Late Quaternary deformation and sedimentation history, Coachella fan area located between the Mecca Hills and Indio Hills, and northeast of the San Andreas fault, eastern Coachella Valley, California." |
Temecula Hungry Hunter |
May 20, 2006 |
Multiple Speakers |
“Rules and Regulations for Geologic Studies” UCR Extension  |
Riverside |
Date |
Speaker(s) |
Topic(s) |
Location |
News |
Minute |
Pres |
May 17, 2006 |
Stephen M. Testa |
A Brief History of Oil in California |
Colton |
Apr 22 , 2006 |
Field Trip |
Pushawalla/Thousand Palms SAF Field Trip  |
Apr 19, 2006 |
Dr. John A. Izbicki, USGS-WRD |
Artificial recharge through a thick, heterogeneous unsaturated zone along the Oro Grande Wash, western Mojave Desert, California |
Temecula |
Mar 4, 2006 |
Multiple Speakers |
GIS Applications in Geology and Hydrology UCR Extension  |
Riverside |
Mar 2, 2006 |
Dr. Jason Saleeby, Caltech |
'Evolution of the deep crust and upper mantle beneath the southern California region' (Joint meeting with IGS and SME) |
Ontario |
Feb 15, 2006 |
Jim Maden, Leighton and Associates |
Phase I Environmental Assessments and the New ASTM Standard |
Temecula |
Jan 18, 2006 |
Dr. Peter Robinson, Univ. of Alberta & Gregg Drilling |
Sixty Years of the CPT - How far have we come ? |
Redlands |
2005 |
Date |
Speaker(s) |
Topic(s) |
Location |
News |
Minute |
Pres |
Dec 21, 2005 |
Antony J. Martin, GEOVision
All Officers and Attenders |
Summary of applications of geophysics to near-surface problems
Installment of 2006 Officers and discussion; Treasurer's Report, other Appointments; FUN meeting; Transfer of authority at COB to 2006 Officers |
Corona |
Nov 16, 2005 |
Officers and Attenders |
Result of Vote: Election of 2006 Officers and discussions by All, Discussion and appointment of Committee Chairs, Committee Persons |
San Bernardino |
Nov 5, 2005 |
Multiple Speakers |
Landslide Short Course. UCR-Extension  |
Riverside |
Oct 5, 2005 |
>Attenders &
Jason Preece, ENGEO Inc & Presdient CCGO |
Submit Names/Nomination of 2006 Officers, Committees needed &
"Update on California Professional Practice Issues and the Professional Geologist in California; Insight on the type and quantity of professional work Geologists do" |
Riverside |
Sep 21, 2005 |
Attenders |
Submit Names/Nominations of 2006 Officers, Committees needed
“Another Spyke Tale” |
Temecula-Murrieta |
Aug 3, 2005> |
Jeff Keaton, MACTEC
Woody Higdon, Geo-Tech Imagery |
"Monitoring Slope Deformation with Quadrilaterals for Pipeline Risk Management"
"Bluebird Canyon Landslides: Past, Present, and Future." |
Riverside |
Jul 20, 2005 |
Jeff Keaton, MACTEC |
"Soil Stratigraphy and Surface-Water Hydrology of Part of the Hualapia Valley near Kingman, Arizona, for Litigation Support" |
Temecula |
Jun 15, 2005 |
Mark Spykerman, Earth Systems Southwest |
“The Alquist-Priolo Act and Creationism: Literal Conflicts?” |
San Bernardino |
May 18, 2005 |
Attendees |
"The New Chapter-Information/Organizational discussions" & "Professional Practice discussion" |
San Bernardino |
| |