BPELSG Announcements
Visit http://www.geology.ca.gov/ for news, meeting announcements, notices, and exam information.
NOTICED JUNE 26, 2012 - MEETING OF THE LAND SURVEYING TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, LAND SURVEYORS, AND GEOLOGISTS - Click on the following link for more information: http://www.bpelsg.ca.gov/about_us/meetings/agendas/ls_tac_notice_agenda_july_2012.pdf.
POSTED JUNE 22, 2012 - BOARD FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, LAND SURVEYORS, AND GEOLOGISTS BOARD MEETING MATERIAL - Click on the following link for more information: http://www.bpelsg.ca.gov/about_us/meetings/materials/6_2829_12_meeting_material.pdf.
NOTICED JUNE 15, 2012 - OFFICIAL NOTICE AND AGENDA FOR THE BOARD FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, LAND SURVEYORS, AND GEOLOGISTS BOARD MEETING - Click on the following link for more information: http://www.bpelsg.ca.gov/about_us/meetings/agendas/06_12_board_short_agenda.pdf.
ANNOUNCED JUNE 8, 2012 - FALL EXAMINATION ANNOUNCEMENT - The California Specific Examination will be administered as a Computer Based Test (CBT) on October 9, 2012; the Certified Engineering Geologist, Certified Hydrogeologist and the Professional Geophysicist Examinations will be administered as Computer Based Tests (CBT) on October 10, 2012. All candidates will receive a letter from the CBT vendor with instructions on when and how to schedule their examination once all applications have been reviewed and approved (there is no online link for this announcement).
ANNOUNCED MAY 31, 2012 - RELEASE OF THE APRIL 2012 ENGINEERING AND LAND SURVEYING EXAMINATION RESULTS - Click on the following link for more information: http://www.bpelsg.ca.gov/applicants/apr12results.shtml.
POSTED MAY 3, 2012 - APRIL 2013 INDUSTRIAL EXAM ADMINISTRATION - Click on the following link for more information: http://www.ncees.org/Exams/PE_exam.php.
ANNOUNCED MAY 3, 2012 - INFORMATION REGARDING RENEWAL FEES - Click on the following link for more information: http://www.bpelsg.ca.gov/licensees/renewal_fees.pdf.
ANNOUNCED MAY 2, 2012 - INFORMATION REGARDING NEW EXAMINATION FEES - New examination fees for geologists are now in effect. Click the above link for more information. Click on the following link for more information: http://www.pels.ca.gov/applicants/new_fees.pdf.
ADDED FEBRUARY 3, 2012 - 2012 LAWS NOW AVAILABLE - The 2012 Geologist and Geophysicist Act, the Professional Engineers Act, the Professional Land Surveyors' Act, and the Regulations Relating to the Practices of Geology and Geophysics and the Practices of Professional Engineering and Land Surveying are now available on the Board's website. Click the following link http://www.geology.ca.gov/laws/index.shtml for the links to the laws.