The all-day Fall Course on Landslides was well-received! There were well over 100 participants at the Landslides short course, truly a success! The Inland Chapter wants to thank the six speakers:
Richard Minnich (UCR Earth Sciences)
"The Climate of Southern California"
Rachel Alvarez (U.S. Geological Survey)
"2004-2005 El Nino Debris Flows in Southern California: Some Comparisons with Previous Winters"
Doug Morton (U.S. Geological Survey)
"Some Aspects of Landslides in Southern California"
Pam Irvine (California Geological Survey)
"Types of Landslides and Landslide Maps - tools for Assessing Landslide Hazards in California" And "Seismically Induced Landslide Hazard Mapping in California"
Mike Hart (MW Hart Engineering Geology)
"Hardrock Landslides and Their Failure Mechanisms"
Woody Higdon (Geo-Tech Imagery International)
"Geotechnical Photography"
We also want to thank Tien Lee for organizing the short course and his wife, Zora who ran the camcorder all day.